Posted on Mar 15, 2009
Posted in Relationships

Boy did we ever see a lot of bumps today, and I don’t mean speed-bumps! We participated in the 1st ever Babies and Bumps event in Roseville today, and I have never seen so many preggos in one place at one time! In all fairness, there were a ton of families with babies, too, and it was so incredible to see such an awesome turnout. Just another reason why I love living in Roseville–people love their babies and bumps around here! This was the first expo booth we’ve ever done, and we’re pretty excited with how our vision turned into reality (thanks in part to getting up at 5am…and the rental truck it took to haul everything!). We met so many great people and were thrilled to see familiar faces, too. Thanks to all of you who came out to say hi, and a special thanks to the devoted sister who came out to represent her sister, who is one of our awesome clients from the Bay Area—you know who you are—you guys are the best! 🙂 You’ll notice that Reilly and Teagan even got to participate in this one…they both modeled adorable outfits from the Silver Spoon in the fashion show. Super fun day, and the face painting made our girls’ weekend!