Posts Tagged 'newborn portraits'

Posted on Sep 10, 2010

We were thrilled to get to work with the Fore family this summer on 2 separate occasions–for their maternity session and then baby K’s newborn session, which ended up being closer together since he decided to make his entrance over 3 weeks early!  Since the sessions were so close together we decided to do a fun post with images from both.  The maternity session was a blast and we just loved working with them, and we’re always thrilled when there are awesome tattoos to show! 🙂  Fast forward to sweet baby K…he was seriously one of the cutest newborns ever!  I could have just stared at him all day, especially since he didn’t make a peep during his session (another bonus of getting them when they’re brand-new).  We’re looking forward to seeing the Fore family back for their 2 other Bebe sessions over K’s first year….stay tuned!

Posted on Aug 19, 2010
Posted in Babies, Relationships

When I spoke with Jennifer initially and she told us she had preemie twins (a boy and a girl) and wanted to do newborn portraits in their home, we were dually excited (no pun intended..:-).  We love to photograph babies on location in their homes, but we don’t get to do it as often as we do in-studio sessions, so this was a welcome treat.  The twins were about 9 weeks old when these photographs were made, and as you can see, brother was just a tad bigger than sister (to say the least!).  James and I felt like we were at Disneyland in the Cox/Sherwood home, as every time we turned a corner there was a great place to photograph!  Jennifer & Kevin were such gracious hosts, and the soft music playing in the background and breeze blowing through the windows set the stage for a wonderful experience for all of us that day.  We decided it was important to try to get a family portrait with their first 2 babies (the dogs), and couldn’t have imagined a better moment than the one shown here.  I could go on and on, but I won’t, as I’m sure you want to get on to looking at these beautiful babies!  Can’t wait for the next session!

Posted on Jul 27, 2010
Posted in Babies, Relationships

We met little Miss S when she was only 2 weeks old.  Her mommy found out about us from another great client of ours, the Hattendorff family.  Little S snoozed pretty much the entire session, which we loved because then we could do whatever we wanted with her!  I just loved the little “girly” touches mom brought, including her headband and tutu.  Can’t wait to see S back for her 2nd Bebe session….maybe she’ll even be awake for a few! 🙂

Posted on Jun 22, 2010
Posted in Babies, Relationships

Baby D gave us everything we could hope for in a newborn session–asleep and awake moments to capture!  He was such a good baby I don’t think he cried even once during his session, which is a rarity for babies this age.  He was slightly older than some newborns we photograph, as they had to wait for daddy to return from being away on military duties to come for his session.  We’re glad they waited for him, because we just love this family image!  Can’t wait to see them back in a few months for his 2nd Bebe session.  Meet baby D and family:

Posted on May 30, 2010
Posted in Babies, Kids

It’s a sad thing that I pretty much only see my college roommate, who now lives in Stockton, when she brings her babies for portraits!  Her latest addition to her brood of boys is this redhead little sweetie, Mr. A.  I still can’t get over how different all 3 of her boys look, and if you saw her, you would never in a million years think that this fair redheaded blue-eyed baby could be hers, but alas, he is!  Little A was THE sweetest baby–I could have played with him all day.  Big brothers E and G did a great j ob during their cameo appearance as well.  We are so grateful that the Jewart family comes to see us for portraits, and we wish we saw each other more!  Love you guys!

Posted on May 21, 2010

The Beard’s have been visiting us since they were expecting Baby J (you might remember mom in hubby’s firefighting turnouts in her maternity images).  When they told us they wanted to do something a little different for their second Bebe session, we were all ears.  They mentioned their pea coats and wanting to go to historic Roseville; we were excited!  We just loved those shots, but were just as excited about photographing J in dad’s turnouts.  We photographed him in his helmet as a newborn and they want to continue the theme throughout each of his first year sessions.  Can’t wait to see him standing in the boots next time around!  Meet the Beard family (again):

Posted on May 07, 2010
Posted in Babies, Kids, Personal

Today our “baby” turns 5.  It’s hard not to get sappy and sentimental at times like this.  It’s so cliche to say how time flies and in the blink of an eye babies turn into young ladies, but it’s SO true!  Five years ago today we had no idea who this baby girl would become; what her personality would be like, who she would resemble, and the role she would play in our family.  Well, we have learned much about her in five years.  Our Teagan is so full of life, energy, humor, wit and compassion.  She is the funniest kid I’ve ever met, can be so stubborn, but the next minute melts your heart with love.  We keep asking her why she’s growing up so fast, and her reply is always the same: “Because I want to grow up.”  Slow down, sweet Teagan.  Enjoy each day (and she does!).

Here is her actual birth announcement we sent out; the photograph was taken when she was 3 weeks old.  The images below are very recent.  In fact, the ones outside were taken just a couple of days ago.  She was modeling some dresses for the Silver Spoon, so the session also became her five-year portrait session.  She did a great job but was much more concerned about the little ladybug she found and was holding in her hands most of the time we were out.  The last couple in the hat were some fun outtakes from the mommy & me promo session the girls and I did last month.  As much as I love every one of these images of her for different reasons, James and I both agree that the last one pretty much sums up our little girl.  Happy Birthday Teagan!

Posted on Apr 10, 2010

Our first portrait session with the Wagner’s was a bit delayed because sweet R was under the weather the first date we scheduled, so we tried again, and with great success!  We get to see so many different babies with so many varieties of hair (or lack thereof), and R was no exception.  He had one of those heads I couldn’t resist rubbing!  As happens all too often, we had another “small world” moment upon first meeting the Wagner’s, when we discovered that dad had helped on our major kitchen remodel 3 years ago.  We had a great time with this lovely family and can’t wait to see them back for Mr. R’s second Bebe session!
roseville family photographer

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Posted on Apr 06, 2010

This sweet newborn session was extra special because little Miss M was joined by her cousin, Mr. J, another one of our Bebe Collection members.  We thought little J was so sweet peering over the basket at his darling little cousin, but when the families saw the images for the first time, they cracked up because they thought it looked like J was contemplating jumping into the basket and eating her! (a joke, of course…J is just a little big for his age and looked especially big to them next to the tiny baby).  Both beautiful babies for sure, and a lovely family we are blessed to work with!
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Posted on Mar 30, 2010

Little C is the second McVey baby we’ve been lucky to photograph in the past few years.  We love working with this family and look forward to each time we see them (both boys were part of our Bebe collection).  It’s so funny because big brother barely had any hair, even up to his first birthday, and little C, as you can tell, is not lacking in that department!  Before long he’ll be back for his one-year session….they grow up so fast!
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