Posts Tagged 'newborn photographer'
Meet V…he’s as sweet as his hair is red! We’ve been photographing the Posey family since big sister was this age, and then again when big brother T came along. It’s so fun getting to see 3 children from one family at exactly the same age, because the resemblance is uncanny in some ways (not the red hair, though! V is unique in that regard!). The Posey’s are one of those families that no matter how much time passes since we’ve seen them, we seem to pick up right where we left off. It’s been such a treat to be able to watch their 3 kids grow and change over the years, and we look forward to seeing what the future holds for all of them!
How quickly Miss S’s first year seemed to go by! By her one-year session with us, she had turned into quite the little lady. As usual, mom brought a dizzying assortment of amazing wardrobe options and hair accessories. Miss S often had her own ideas about where the hair accessories should be (hint: it was not usually on her head!). Let me put it this way–S’s personality is even larger than her wardrobe! 🙂 We had so much fun with her, all of her outfits, and of course, mom. I’m sure these latest images will melt your heart as much as she did ours. Thanks to S’s mommy for sharing her first year with us!
We started documenting Miss K when she was still in mama’s tummy…fast-forward to her second Bebe session (my favorite age!!). Kudos to mom for all of the darling outfits and hair accessories, but K would have been adorable regardless; her million different expressions were accessory enough! 🙂 While K was awesome in the studio, it was a pretty cold & windy day outside, and she was pretty much over it by the time we ventured outdoors. We have to give a big thank you to K’s grandpa for saving the day outside and getting those last few amazing expressions! Meet Miss K (again…):
It’s always a bittersweet thing when one of our Bebe Collection members turns one. We grow to know and love these families over baby’s first year and know we get to see them every few months. Then the baby turns one, and we know we won’t see them every few months anymore….:-( Miss A is such a sweet girl and made every session even more fun than the last. Her one-year session turned out to be quite a blustery day, but it didn’t seem to phase her. We want to thank Briana & James for entrusting A’s precious first year portraits to us–you guys are the best!
It’s that time of year again! We’re excited to announce our 3rd annual Mommy & Me Portraits for the Cure event, where we raise money to support breast cancer research. This year we’re keeping it local and donating the proceeds to the Placer Breast Cancer Endowment. As usual, the event will be held at The Silver Spoon children’s boutique. No appointments are needed, so just come in while we’re there! The portraits will be made like those you see here, so dark colors will photograph the best. We want to say a special “thank you” to the three lovely women and their kids who are featured here and have each been affected by breast cancer in different ways. You are all strong, courageous, and deserve to be celebrated!
When Miss S and her mom showed up for their last session, we were overwhelmed with the amount of amazing clothing options we had to choose from. We knew we wanted to capture some of the beautiful fall leaves, but the weather was not on our side–the ground was completely soaked, and there was no way we were going to sit her down in her gorgeous silk dress–so we decided to haul a chair outside and improvise! It started raining moments after we got what we wanted, so we ventured in to the much warmer (and drier!) studio to finish off her session. Even though S had an incredible wardrobe for such a little peanut, I think my favorite image from the entire session is this first one, where she’s wearing nothing but her headband. Just goes to show a little accessory can go a long way! Meet Miss S (again….):
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Here are a few highlights from our recent Vintage Valentine event. Thanks again to all who came!
First off, sorry for the lack of posting–we’ve been knee deep in Vintage Valentine sessions! Thanks for continuing to check back…
You might recall a recent maternity post from the Ferrell family in Lake Tahoe. Well, this sweet baby girl arrived just a few weeks later. Meet baby V…she is baby #4 for the Ferrell family and just as sweet as can be. It’s so fun to meet a new sibling and see how she resembles (or not) the other kids. In this family there is no mistaking the kids are siblings. Looking forward to her next session in a few months…stay tuned!
We first met the Pope’s during an extended family session in Napa, when they were just newly expecting. They live on the other side of the country, so we were thrilled to get the call that they would be visiting family here in town and wanted to bring their sweet baby girl in for a session. Miss V was the perfect little subject and could not have been any cuter. When we then got the news that they will soon be moving to California, we were even more excited (hoping that this is not the last time we are fortunate enough to photograph this lovely family…:-). Wishing you a very smooth and uneventful move!
Meet the Diaz family, who brought their baby blessing, J, to us to capture his sweet newborn stage. We’re so excited we get to see this family two more times during J’s first year, as they are another one of our Bebe Collection members. I have to admit, our Bebe members have an extra special place in my heart, as I get so attached to these families and watching their little ones grow! I’m always so sad after the 1-year session, because that means we most likely we see them every few months! We’re thrilled to have met the Diaz family and capture baby J’s first year (and big brother’s affection for his baby bro!).