Archive for January 10th, 2010
We first met Erika and her mom Lise when her brother came to us a couple years ago for his senior portraits. Adam’s session was pretty special for me so I knew Erika’s would be no different. But let me back up a bit. Within seconds of meeting this wonderful family, Stef and I knew we were in for an experience. Lots of love in this family…lots.
At Erika’s consultation we talked about a lot of things, but couldn’t quite decide on a location. So we set that aside for a bit and literally minutes before we were done it came to her. A special place that Erika spent a lot of time at throughout her childhood. So off to the nature preserve we went! The day of the session the sun was glowing beautifully, Erika looked amazing, and Lise got lots of excersise(doing some yoga while we were photographing). Probably the most special part for me is when brother Adam showed up for a few frames. Erika was already “on” but when he jumped in she just lit up. Standing in the tall grass together, she started singing and soon Adam joined and before long neither of them could keep a straight face. It was something to see, and I feel privileged to have been there.
Thank you Lise, thank you Adam, and thank you Erika for an experience I won’t forget.