First, I will apologize for our lame-ness and lack of blogging this past week. It was a super busy week with several major projects going on, including but not limited to my (Stef) sister’s surprise 40th birthday party and our Mommy & Me Portraits for the Cure event on Saturday at the Silver Spoon (stay tuned for more on that–it was great!). So, we promise to blog more this week (and if we don’t, blame it on James! :-).
Now on to the real point of this post…showing off the lovely Yow family! We met Miss A almost a year ago now and have since had the pleasure of watching her grow over the course of her first year and four sessions (and they came from San Jose every time!). I’m sad to say that A has graduated from her first year sessions so we won’t see her as often, so I’m hoping for another baby Yow to keep that trend going! We just loved spending this past year with you guys, and thanks so much for always making it so fun…you’re good peeps!