Batman The Dark Knight opens today, and it’s been a long time since I’ve been this excited about a film. In case you don’t watch TV (or live under a rock), this is a sequel to Batman Begins, which is certainly my favorite Batman film to date.
Some of you know I owned a comic book shop in Oregon (before I met Stef), so I have a history with the subject. Thought I would give some recommended reading to acompany the movie.
First is The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller. Released in 1986, it is still regarded by most fans to be the best Batman story ever written. An aging (and retired) Batman frustrated with the escalated lawlessness in Gotham, comes back into the fray with all the fury and vengeance of his youth.
Next is Arkham Asylum. A masterpiece of insanity diving into the mind of the Joker. I haven’t heard (and perhaps never will), but wouldn’t be surprised if this book was on the shelf of the late Heath Ledger.
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