At the close of summer we were asked to go on a fun location session to the beautiful Napa Valley. The Ferrell family surprised dad for his birthday with a family trip to Napa, complete with an extended family portrait. We were honored to be asked to such a momentous occasion, especially because we love their family so much! Everyone was great sports for following us on our quest for the right location to do this beautiful family justice. Once we left the family to their birthday celebration, we realized a few minutes down the road that James had left his light and battery setup back at the winery. We immediately turned around to discover the winery closed and gated. Knowing we didn’t want to risk leaving it, James crawled under the fence and walked up the road toward the main building. A few minutes later, he returned with all said gear in hand, and thankfully was not being chased by guard dogs! The Napa session was one to be remembered for many reasons! 🙂