I went to see one of my favorite bands the other night, Fair to Midland (reviewed in one of our newsletters). This is the second time I’ve seen them and still can’t believe the energy they have on the stage.
This show however would be a special treat for me. I had forgotten to take my camera out of the car earlier and couldn’t turn around as the show was starting soon. No way I was leaving it in my car parked on the street in front of the venue for the show.
So, I slung the bag on my back and headed to see the bouncer.
“You with a magazine or something?”
“Why yes…or something”
And in I went.
Show started and I thought well, if I’m carrying all this stuff I might as well photograph something.
Out came the camera and big lens, and all of the sudden I was everybody’s best friend.
“Are you with the band?, You with the newspaper?, What magazine do you work for?”
During the second song I walked out to the floor. Two very large fans saw me. “Hey buddy, you wanna get up here in the front?” And proceeded to move people out of the way to get me to the stage.
Moral of the story: If you act like you are SUPPOSED to be doing something, odds are, people will let you!