Posted on Feb 12, 2010
Posted in Seniors

Meet Christine, Roseville High class of 2010.  Another fun session here at the studio & around town.  I almost didn’t recognize her when she arrived with her fab hairdo (it was down at her consultation).  She had it done up that morning and it just looked fantastic.  We started in the studio and then went out for a bit before the sun went down.  As you can see in the first few, it was just a perfect glowy day and Christine had the look to match.  Toward the end of the session I asked if she might want to do a few photographs with her hair down.  15 minutes and 35(!) hairpins later, she let it fly for some great shots.  Thanks for all the effort Christine!IMG_4447flatcrop copy_2 IMG_4470flatcrop copy_2 IMG_4283flatcrop copy_2 _MG_7559flatcrop copy_2 _MG_7495flatcrop copy_2 _MG_7467flatcrop copy_2 Site Meter_MG_7463flatcrop copy_2
