Archive for November 8th, 2009
It’s not very often we get a call from a senior inquiring about a session including exotic birds, and when we met Alexia and her mom, we knew we were in for something special. Alexia’s family produces exotic bird shows around the world (Friends of a Feather), and it was important for her to incorporate the birds in some of her images. We talked about the look at the consultation and how we would capture the look we were after and hoped Alexia’s feathered friends would cooperate.
The day of the session came and when the birds arrived I was a little…intimidated. I am certain Athena (the owl) had the best intentions but I had never encounted an owl at this close range, and she..well…just kept staring at me.
“OK, calm down. The owl is not going to get you”, I told myself. A few minutes later, everything was fine, Athena was coaxed into perching on Alexia’s arm, and we got some really, really incredible images.
Thank you Stephanie, and Joe for the opportunity to meet your wonderful family, and for trusting our vision on this incredible session. And thank you Alexia for your fearlessness and adventurous spirit in front the lens.
Rachel decided to mix it up with her senior portrait session and make some photos in the studio as well as a location near her home. She nailed it of course, bringing excellent clothing and matching attitude. Dead trees, old bridges, open fields and oak trees were just a few of the things that accompanied Rachel in these lovely images. Thanks Rachel for a great time and thanks Sue (Rachel’s mom) for going on the adventure with us (sorry I made you late for book club!) Awesome job Rachel!
Reilly’s 7th birthday finally concluded on Monday with a party at the Roseville Aquatics Center with a bunch of her friends. We chose this venue for various reasons, but mostly because we assumed it would be hot and steamy as most Sacramento August days are known to be. Well, of course it was only in the mid-80’s that day, but it meant an almost empty huge venue for our party girls! The girls had a blast swimming, enjoying pizza & cake, and just hanging out. Crowd or not, our girls were always easy to spot thanks to their neon goggles (Reilly in the green and Teagan in pink). Thanks to everyone who came to help our sweet 7-year old celebrate the passing of another year and usher in the next!
Do you have the cutest kid in town? How about in the whole country?
Enchanted Images is hosting a National Charity Model Search to select “America’s Cutest Kid” and to raise funds for charity.
We’re looking for cute children ages 18 months to 14 years old to model for a portrait to be entered into the contest.
Models Search Special:
$50 entrance fee, which includes a 30 minute model session and one image submitted to the national gallery.Hurry! The offer expires February 14, 2009 and spaces are limited.
Finalists will be determined by online votes. Anyone may vote. Each vote is $1, and all proceeds from votes benefit the non-profit Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. (
Grand prize national winner will be determined from the 50 city finalists. Winners selected by photography and modeling industry experts.
If your child is selected the national winner, you’ll receive many prizes, including a $5,000 US Savings Bond and a Canon PowerShot G10 digital camera! If you’re interested in entering your child(ren), give us a call at 916-759-8140.
Images from past sessions not eligible for the contest.